Your Investment Builds Our Future

Vision: Permanent Shelter Services

The ICRH Board of Directors has committed to purchasing a building to continue day shelter services and grow to provide overnight shelter. The facility will allow ICRH to serve more guests in a renovated space to meet specific needs and move toward year-round overnight services. A permanent shelter location will move us away from maintaining temporary equipment to enhancing the services and support we can provide for those experiencing homelessness in Isabella County. We have purchased a building that will allow ICRH to increase our capacity, provide overnight shelter in a permanent facility, meet the laundry and shower needs for our guests, and assure proper security in sleeping areas for all guests. The facility will include a full kitchen for meals, secure storage for guests’ personal items, and educational areas to help guests with self-sufficiency plans.

Make a donation to the Capital Campaign.

Your support will help to make our permanent facility a reality and help to increase our capacity to serve the homeless in Isabella County.


Recognition Donor Levels

Special Rooms: $100,000 Female/Male/Family Sleeping Room

Special Areas: $50,000 Children’s Play Area, Quiet/Study Area, Computer Area, TV Area

Equipment: $25,000 Guest Laundry, Technology Closet, Pantry

Back Yard: $10,000 Privacy Fencing, Patio Area (This area has been requested and funded) 

Outdoor and Bike Area: $5,000 Bike Rack, Planters, Flowers, Children’s Play Equipment